Monday 5 December 2016

post modernism Theory as practice


Today we learned about postmodernism and how it changed and effected art. In this post ill be talking about what Postmodernism is

Postmodernism describes a broad movement that developed in the mid to late 20th century A general and wide-ranging term which is applied to literature, art, philosophy, architecture, fiction, and cultural and literary criticism, among others. Postmodernism is largely a reaction to the assumed certainty of scientific, or objective, efforts to explain reality.

The post modernism art moment includes; 

  • Dada.
  • Jackson Pollock and abstract expressionism.
  • After abstract expressionism.
  • Performance art and happenings.
  • Assemblage art.
  • Pop art.
  • Fluxus.
  • Minimalism.

Andy Warhol- Marilyn Monroe and the pop art movement


Minimalis art moment 

Friday 2 December 2016

process and production still life

In this session we were asked to draw some setups which our tutor had created using objects such as boxes, equpment and giant letters that were layed out. we had to use different tecnieques to draw then such as tone, line and texture using different equipment like pencils, pens and markers. I really enjoyed this session because my skills on tonning and shading were bettered and i learnt new techneques that will better my drawing.

design and emotion

In todays lecture we learnt about design and emotion and how design made us feel and think. In this session we looked at a series of illusions which made us feel different emotions. there was a task where we had to try cnnect nine dots using only one line which was quiet dificult. I am not sure what i learnt in this session other then illusions sometimes dont work and that design can make us feel different tings from just the colours and layout.


The second part of the lecture was to create a sequance or type that gave an illustion of change. I didnt think I captured this task very well becasue the work i produced doesnt show a sequance.


christmas advert semiotics theory as practice

In todays session we were learning about semiotics and how they influenced design. we looked at some christmas adverts from this year and previous years and we had to write nots about all the semiotics we could see and how they related and made us think about christmas.

The advert below is sainsburys 2016 christmas advert for this I wrote that it had he message of family warm and joyful. it was like stopmotion/claymation, the song was a message inits own right putting the idea forward that parents struggle to get things done at christmas and are very stressed they dont get to spend time with family the advert also links strongly to family christmas traditions.

The next advert is john lewis's christmas advert for 2016 I though this advert was very playful and fun. It plays with emotions by involving small woodland creatures and a family dog. you see things like family, christmas trees and presents in this advert which makes you assume its christmas.


 This advert is for m&s this advert is quiet clever in the fact they use Mrs clause as a powerful figure instead of Santa. the message i got from this is that the woman is always going to be secretly hidden away behind the sense when men are away working or doing what they do and that they will always try to cover and help other people when necessary. I also got the semiotics for christmas from the red cloke and the christmas trees and snow also a figure I assume was santa.

Monday 28 November 2016

Propaganda Theory as practice

propaganda; information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.

Religious propagation

The term 'propaganda' first appeared in 1622 when Pope Gregory XV established the Sacred Congregation for Propagating the Faith (Congregatio de Propaganda Fide). Propaganda was then as now about convincing large numbers of people about the veracity of a given set of ideas.

Propaganda and war

Wars have always been a good reason to use propaganda, as governments seek to persuade populaces of the justness of their cause as well as hide the horrors and failures of the front line. Misinformation and disinformation are widely used to distract people from the truth and create new realities.
Entry into the first world war was apparently accompanied with many stories of atrocities that were false. Things have not changed and more recent wars have also had more than their fair share of propaganda and false excuses.

Illusion Theory as practice.

we've all been there and taken procrastination to the next level and have spent hours on the internet or youtube looking at illusions when we were supposed to be doing something else in this blog post I will be talking about what I learnt about illusions in todays lecture. 

Illusion: An instance of wrong misinterpreted reception of a sensory experience.


An optical illusion is characterised by visually perceived images that are deceptive or misleading. Therefore, the information gathered by the eye is processed by the brain to give, on the face of it, a percept that does not tally with a physical measurement of the stimulus source.


An auditory illusion is an illusion of hearing, the sound equivalent of an optical illusion: the listener hears either sounds which are not present in the stimulus, or "impossible" sounds. In short, audio illusions highlight areas where the human ear and brain, as organic, makeshift tools, differ from perfect audio receptors (for better or for worse). One example of an auditory illusion is a Shepard tone.


temporal illusion is a distortion in the perception of time, which occurs when the time interval between two or more events is very narrow (typically less than a second). In such cases, a person may momentarily perceive time as slowing down, stopping, speeding up, or running backwards.


Examples of tactile illusions include phantom limb, the thermal grill illusion, the cutaneous rabbit illusion and a curious illusion that occurs when the crossed index and middle fingers are run along the bridge of the nose with one finger on each side, resulting in the perception of two separate noses. 

Monday 21 November 2016

Semiotics Theory as Practice

what is semiotics?

semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their uses or interpretations.The word 'semiotics' dates back to ancient Greece, but its use in modern linguistics was propelled in the 19th century with the research of Ferdinand de Saussure. Saussure was a Swiss linguist who contributed greatly to the study of semiotics, also sometimes referred to as semiology

Not only this but semiotics can be how WE interpret messages with in a mean such as how an advert can portray a message using the product it is trying to sell by linking it with hard working families ECT  

Sunday 20 November 2016

Formative Feed Back 1

Today I had my first formative feedback. I felt quite nervous because this was my first time receiving feed back on my blog and project but I thought it went actually quiet well. 

My Feedback; Comments: Rudimentary exploration is evident within processes of production Your blog posts need much more personal comment and imagery. It does appear you are attending the process sessions so please start to document the work you are producing. Take screengrabs to showcase your trails along will showcasing your final pieces. This helps us visualize your development. Use your camera phone to snap works in progress. You need to be much more engaged with your blog as a whole. 

Thursday 17 November 2016

process and production speed and motion character

tardis animation from jamie milner on Vimeo.

This is a project I worked on in sarahs animation lesson. I have learnt new skills such as how to upload audio to an animation and how to use the particle effects to achieve a snowing effect. I think the art looks really great and I am really happy with the final result I have deffinetly learnt something from this session and can not wait to explore more in after effects. 

Monday 14 November 2016

type lecture theory as practice

what is type?

type is some thing we all use and some thing we can all read. Its printed or written in our every day lives and we use it for pretty much everything. In this post I will be talking about the different types of type (no pun intended) and how they are used, I will also be talking about the different elements type is made of.

Serif typefaces are characterized by tiny lines (serifs) trailing from the edges of the strokes and stems. Also called "roman" typefaces, they are often used for headlines and narratives. Examples of serif typefaces include Georgia, Times New Roman, Palatino Linotype, Adobe Garamond Pro and Cambria.

Sans serif typefaces, on the other hand, lack these tiny lines. The French word sans means "without"—hence the name.

Alignment and Proximity

Alignment can both refer to how text is displayed (left to right, in most cases) and how each text block lines up with others. To align typographical elements more effectively, many designers rely on grid systems such as The 960 Grid System and the Golden Grid System.
Alignment and Proximity
Alignment can both refer to how text is displayed (left to right, in most cases) and how each text block lines up with others. To align typographical elements more effectively, many designers rely on grid systems such as The 960 Grid System and the Golden Grid System.


also called line height, refers to the amount of space between lines in a block of text. 

Monday 7 November 2016

The principles of typography Theory as practice

Today we learned about The principles of type; back to basics applying the principles of typography its about how designers break up text into blocks and offer visual shortcuts that let users sift through masses of information making it easier to scan for information. 

what is typography?

Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. ... The term typography is also applied to the style, arrangement, and appearance of the letters, numbers, and symbols created by the process.

Serif typefaces are characterized by tiny lines (serifs) trailing from the edges of the strokes and stems. Also called "roman" typefaces, they are often used for headlines and narratives. Examples of serif typefaces include Georgia, Times New Roman, Palatino Linotype, Adobe Garamond Pro and Cambria.

Sans serif typefaces, on the other hand, lack these tiny lines. The French word sans means "without"—hence the name.

Alignment and Proximity

Alignment can both refer to how text is displayed (left to right, in most cases) and how each text block lines up with others. To align typographical elements more effectively, many designers rely on grid systems such as The 960 Grid System and the Golden Grid System.
Alignment and Proximity
Alignment can both refer to how text is displayed (left to right, in most cases) and how each text block lines up with others. To align typographical elements more effectively, many designers rely on grid systems such as The 960 Grid System and the Golden Grid System.


also called line height, refers to the amount of space between lines in a block of text. 

Sunday 30 October 2016

process and production indesign typography poster

In this post I will be talking about the typography poster i made which was part of some homework we revived. The work was to create a typography poster using the graphic design manifesto and select some of the parts we thought connected with us to create our own personal manifesto. I decided to create a Josef Muller-brockmenn style poster. I chose the text I wanted to put on my poster and translated it into german because most of Muller-brockmenns posters are in german. Here is the finished result 

Saturday 22 October 2016

Process and production Photoshop intro

In today process and production we learnt a little bit more about photoshop by creating collages. We learnt how to use the different cut tools such as the magic wand, lasso tool ect ect I found this task to be very useful because I learnt all the shortcuts on the mac. The purpose of the task was to design a post card using the images that were provided here is what I had created.

  This is how you create a gray scale in photoshop using the image mode settings.
 This screenshot shows the "marching ants" after selecting the sky with the magic wand tool.
This screenshot shows that the selected area has been deleted usign the magic wand tool.
This screen shot shows me placing a picture of sky in photoshop by placing it in a layer all i need to do now is organise the layers.
 This is what I had created using the tools I learnt about and the images that were provided. This session really helped me learn the short cuts in photoshop and how to use the tools correcly and other little tricks that I didnt know were a thing. 

Process and production visual tone colour changing video

In today's process and production we were learning the basics of after effects by using transitions between coloured layers. Having used after effect before I found this task to be a little bit tedious and slow. But I completed the ask and this is what I came up with. 
changing colours process and production 1 from jamie milner on Vimeo.

Monday 17 October 2016

Blog assesment chat Theory as practiced

Today we talked about how our blogs are important and are key to us passing our course there are three main sections to the blog which are theory as practiced, process and production and studio. We are expected to update our blogs when ever we can and we will get informal feedback through out the year on each of the projects.

Surrealism Theory as Practice


Surrealism is a cultural 20th-century avant-garde movement that began in the early 1920s, and is best known for its visual artworks and writings. The aim was to resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality into an absolute reality, a super-reality by irrational juxtaposition of images. Surrealism has produced some of the most well know artists such as Salvador dali, Max Ernst and Pablo Picasso. 

Pablo Picasso

Salvador Dali the persistence of memory

Monday 10 October 2016

Square, Circle, Triangle Theory as Practice

Today we were given quite an unusual task, The task was to think about a square, circle and triangle and colour them with the colour we though best represented them.

for the triangle I chose the colour green because I thought that they symbolise a tree which in turn symbolises nature and to me the colour of nature is the colour green. 

The Square has lots of edges and points which is very "edgy" and i thought the best colour was red because to me this symbolises anger, danger and passion.

and for the circle I chose the colour blue as a circle is endless and peaceful as is the ocean which is why i chose the colour blue because I thought this was the best colour that made me feel more relaxed and peaceful. 


The Bauhaus Theory as practice.

The bauhaus 
Staatliches Bauhaus, commonly known simply as Bauhaus, was a German art school operational from 1919 to 1933 that combined crafts and the fine arts, and was famous for the approach to design that it publicised and though form over function. The Bauhaus sought to combine art, craft and technology to reach a common goal and common vision of a pure form of design without unnecessary decoration it was practical, functional and clean. The school taught across the board in a range of art and design forms ideas and principles. the bauhaus has taught some of the most influential designers such as josef albers, wassily kandisky, paul keel and joost schmidt.

 Left: Poster Art, Focus on Typography Design, Bauhaus School / Right: Art Work from unknown Bauhaus artist. Images via

Sunday 9 October 2016


Today we were given the task of drawing out memories on story boards but with each story board we had to zoom out, I really liked this task because it was a different kind of sense of place because as I was drawing my memories I could remember how I felt during the memory I was drawing. I really want to try use a part of this in my project and see what memories make people feel about the place it happened in.

what is sense of place?

In this session we gathered in groups with post it notes to discuss what we thought a sense of place meant there were some notes already on the wall which were different categories such as artists, designers and books we had to think of something which related to our sense of place brief but fit under each category. This really helped me think about what was going to go into my research and influenced me heavily.

The Book Of Lies

In today's first studio we created the book of lies which is a computer generated slide show. We started off by filling out a questionnaire where we had to tell one truth and several lies. This was pretty fun being asked to lie, some of the lies were pretty funny. Then we had to have our picture taken to have the lies randomly generated over our portraits. The final result was pretty fun and I really enjoyed this session.

Process and procuction location drawing.

In today session we went out in Huddersfield in groups and given a specific place to draw. My group was given George's square near the train station we had to create visually pleasing drawings to create a map of the area. Down below are some of the drawings that were done and the final map with combined drawings of all the groups.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Theory is practice academic skills and writing styles

Today we had a lecture about academic skills and writing due to out up coming essay we have to write. I found this session useful because I struggle to write academically and the points we covered were extremely useful such as time plans, mind maps and planning and creating a draft of the essay. After this session I feel more comfortable in going forward and writing a well structured essay which makes sense and answers the question.

Theory as practice book research

In today session he had to bring in one piece of information e.g a book or online article. For those who did we had to team up with someone and describe to them what we had bought in. I decided to use the book visual communication which teaches the link between that and theory. The idea of this task was to teach us about detailed writing we could include in our essay so it would become more clear to us what we were going to write in the essay.
We also had another task which was slightly confusing. The task we had was to look at a picture that was projected onto the screen which was of a bear sat on a chair we then had to describe what we saw I'm the form of detailed writing. Once I had completed his task it was clear that this task also helped me understand detailed writing within our essay.

Monday 3 October 2016

Theory as practice convergence

Today we were talking about convergence and how it can influence and better our work. We started the day with a lecture from another student who was doing his masters and gave us lots of useful information about how convergence can make our work unique.

What is convergence?

convergence is the transition of information so between information being communicated and information being understood. 

some examples convergence are; 
the convergence of different technologies, 
convergence of different ideas, 
convergence of practices/disciplines e.g. graphic design and animation.  

 Later that day we then had a task where he had to think about convergence and use materials such as magazine and news paper cut outs. We had to create something with them which was a great task and helped me understand the convergence between ideas and development.

medium is the message theory as practiced

Medium is the massage a phase coined by Marshall McLuhan, it means that the form of medium embeds itself in any message creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived.

the book; understanding media; the extensions of man by Marshall McLuhan explains this in more detail. 

for example a message can be printed r placed on something that will make you perceive it in a different way.   

This is an example of medium is the message. its a solar powered billboard advertisement in California its saying "this isn't a billboard" when in a matter of fact it is because its advertising solar power and then it proceeds to say "its a power plant" which technically it is because its producing its own power for its own light. It makes us question what it really is because of the message that is printed onto the billboard.  

Friday 30 September 2016

process and production indesign helvetica document, illustrator brockmann poster and photo shop grey scale photos

In todays session of process and production we learned a few basic tools from indesign and photoshop. I will be showing you the work that I created in this session and what I did to create it.

The main techneques we learned were how to covert images into gray scale and also into bitmap, we also learnt how to create a very print looking image in photoshop. As well as learning how to create a layout in indesign and how to create a bouble page spread and recreated the gutenberg bible using the layout and double page spread we had created. 

The images below or my recreations of the gutenberg bible this task really helped me understand using layout, typefaces and text format in idesign. I didnt know very much indesign but I feel I can now confidently use idesign basiaclly within my work.

 After we then further explored layout and type indesign by recruiting this Joseph Muller-brockmann
poster I had lots fun doing this and taught me more skills to use in indesign.

We then created bitmap and grey scale images which I didn't know how to use before this task which also really helped my understanding and improve my skills in photoshop.

Thursday 29 September 2016

Theory as practice genealogy

In this session we were set a group task related to geneology. The task we were given was to come up with an advertisment for a scenario which we could chose ourselfs we chose "what if tinted sunglasses were fashionable" in our product advertisment we decided to creat tinted sunglasses which were very technical which made everyone live in their own world imstead of the real one.
This is the mind map we craeted to show our thought process and ideas for our adertisment and product. I feel like this task benefited me because now I can develop my graphic work in the same way to to show my thought processes through out the development.

Monday 26 September 2016

Theory as practic manifesto

In todays session we were looking at manifestos and how it might help us apply our own work through out university. 

What is a manifesto?

A public declaration of policy and aims, especially one issued an election by a political party or candidate.

we looked at the First Things First manifesto from 2000. the manifesto was set to give designers a useful guideline to work towards. the task was to highlight or underline the parts we thought were important to us and annotate the reason why we chose this. I chose a part which talked about designers only being used for advertising and marketing when in a matter of fact they deserve more and better, This is what I thought anyway below is the picture of the manifesto with all my annotations. 

Intro To Theory

what is theory?
a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained for example seeing comes before words.The child looks and recognises before it can speak.

what is theory and why study it?

Theory is Theoretical framework, critique, reading, analysis and synthesis which means to break down then bring it back together. 
theory is also substance and style, setting your own work apart from others in the competitive and commercial world and critical thinking around your own work and that of others

The praxis theory

Is the process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, or realised. "praxis" may also refer to the act of engaging, applying, exercising, realising, or practising ideas.

How does theory translate to actual stuff?

Theory translates into advertising in commercial and conceptual design as well as concepts and ideas.

oscar wild - "an idea that is not dangerous is not worthy of being called an idea"