Saturday 22 October 2016

Process and production Photoshop intro

In today process and production we learnt a little bit more about photoshop by creating collages. We learnt how to use the different cut tools such as the magic wand, lasso tool ect ect I found this task to be very useful because I learnt all the shortcuts on the mac. The purpose of the task was to design a post card using the images that were provided here is what I had created.

  This is how you create a gray scale in photoshop using the image mode settings.
 This screenshot shows the "marching ants" after selecting the sky with the magic wand tool.
This screenshot shows that the selected area has been deleted usign the magic wand tool.
This screen shot shows me placing a picture of sky in photoshop by placing it in a layer all i need to do now is organise the layers.
 This is what I had created using the tools I learnt about and the images that were provided. This session really helped me learn the short cuts in photoshop and how to use the tools correcly and other little tricks that I didnt know were a thing.