Sunday 30 April 2017

process and production interactive Pdf

In today's session we created an interactive PDF using buttons, audio and video. This blog post will show the screenshots from the process I went through to achieve the interactive PDF task.

Process and Production Photoshop Faces

In todays session we were given the task of creating a fully editable, photomontage which is a self portrait. Design a photo which is a visual expression of your own self-image. 

Process and production type animation

This is the animation I made today in Saras animation process and production class the idea was to bring in a type and some information about that type and animate it.

helvetica type animation from jamie milner on Vimeo.

Process and Production illustrator Morpholo

Today in process and production we had to create Morpholo tiles by hand then in illustrator. A morpholo is a word which comes from the term morphology which means the study of the forms of things, a particular form, shape or structure. The results of the task are below.

Process and production Book trailer

In Todays Process and Production we had to create a book trailer of our choice and I decided to do the book 'One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest'.

Final project Week 5

After last weeks logo development I now have two final logos for which will be added to all my products such as clothes magazines, skateboards ect. 

Saturday 29 April 2017

Final project week 4

I have written down some names that I can potentially use for my brand names like:
concrete wave 
brain bucket clothing
king pin
kick flip clothing 
goofy foot clothing

I decided to chose 1-8-T  as my brand name now i know the name of the brand I developed the name into a logo starting with rough sketches.

Now that I have the development for my logo I used these to create some digital development in the run up to my final logo design.

Final Project week 3

Now that I have looked at some of the branding for the skateboarding subculture I feel like I can go on to create my own brad creating things such as names, slogans, logos and products to sell. Ill start by writing down some name ideas and then from there I will star my logo development.

Final project Week 3

Now that I have researched into subcultures I have decided that i a going to chose the skateboarding subculture to focus my project on. Now that i know am going to be focusing on the skateboarding subculture i can start looking at brands with in the subculture and how they effect it and why they are needed. 

Final Project Week 2

After researching the topics I was interested in I decided that I wanted to link two of the topics together the ones I chose were branding and sub culture. I then started to research further into these topics by looking at all the different subcultures and looking at what they were and why they were a thing. 

Final Project Week 1

This week we received our final project for year one. The project is a self negotiated project which I think will be great fun to do because there are no limits on what we can do! Once I had received "the brief" on what we were expected to do I started by researching the three topics subculture, brand vs anti brand and prequel vs sequel.  

process and production cinema 4D

Today in process and production we learnt the software cinema 4D, we went through the different tools, camera angles, how to set up lighting, how to render and how to use textures and how to set up a studio with backgrounds and lights. I really loved this task because I find 3D interesting, I created my name in 3d with lighting and with added textures and wraps. 

Process and Production A N E S G

This weeks process and production we had to create the letters  A N E S G in the style of the designs that were given to us on some hand outs. this task was very helpful because it helped me see things in a different way and helped me develop something from already existing materials. I didn't follow the A N E S G letters and chose some of my own to do which i felt were a little more creative.  

process and production three rough fonts

In todays process and production we were asked to design three rough fonts so that we can develop them next week. we had to develop a font from last weeks "A N E S G" task by looking at the style of the letters then creating a full set of letters in the style of the font from the letter A to the letter Z. 

process and production collaboration fly film

Group B Finale - 16:40 from Motion-go on Vimeo.

This is a collaboration film that Group B had worked on during our Final animation Process and production class in Year 1. The task was to animate a flying object Email sarah the final so she could create a collaboration film with all the animations in them!

Style Of Objects

In this Blog post I will be talking about the style of objects and what I think that means. I think the style of objects means how something looks, feels and sits within its surroundings. How people react with it and how its purpose is betrayed by people that experience it. I thought a good thing to link to this would be the Yorkshire sculpture part, The park has lots of sculptures many interactive while many are not, some sit well and blend in with their surroundings and some don't. Its the perfect place to study the style of objects.    

Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Today we went to YSP, the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. We spent the day walking around and looking at what the park had to offer and to help inspire us on our projects and link back to our sense of place with the styles of objects section.