Monday 20 March 2017

Flip book animations theory as practice

In todays session we looked at animation and animation flip books. We were given a task to create our own animation flip books and animate something that would go across the pages. I decided to do a ball which fell from the top right corner then bounced over to the left as it hit the bottom of the page. 


Formative Feed back 2

Today I had my second Formative Feed back of the year I though it went well and the feed back I got was fair and well explained now I can go on and work on the feed back I have received. 

My feed back; Satisfactory exploration is evident within processes of production using reasonable analogue and digital technologies. 

Process projects are not up to date and need more personal annotation – more images and more rigorous analogue required 
You should now look to fill this blog with experimental studio work,more posts are required to be show you are fully engaged with the course. 
Blog about guest lectures, did you attend workshops?
Go above and beyond and have fun documenting your studies and experiments. Link your Instagram and relevant inspiration via web links and posts.