Wednesday 3 May 2017

Final Project week 6

This week I have been creating my final mock ups for my final project and i feel like they went really well and that they get the feeling of my brand across very well

Final project Evaluation

Through out this project I have learnt new skills such as how to skew in photoshop and how to create good looking mock ups using the tools provided in the adobe softwear. I have also gained a better uderstanding of how layout works and how to make a project look and feel good. If i had to do this project again somethings i would change would be; I would   try fit more into this project in the time i had to work on it for example making more mock ups or creating more advanced interactive PDF mock ups of a website. I have enjoyed this project I have found it great fun to work on and have included my own personal interests with in this project spanning from the three chouces right at the start of the project.

Sunday 30 April 2017

process and production interactive Pdf

In today's session we created an interactive PDF using buttons, audio and video. This blog post will show the screenshots from the process I went through to achieve the interactive PDF task.

Process and Production Photoshop Faces

In todays session we were given the task of creating a fully editable, photomontage which is a self portrait. Design a photo which is a visual expression of your own self-image. 

Process and production type animation

This is the animation I made today in Saras animation process and production class the idea was to bring in a type and some information about that type and animate it.

helvetica type animation from jamie milner on Vimeo.

Process and Production illustrator Morpholo

Today in process and production we had to create Morpholo tiles by hand then in illustrator. A morpholo is a word which comes from the term morphology which means the study of the forms of things, a particular form, shape or structure. The results of the task are below.

Process and production Book trailer

In Todays Process and Production we had to create a book trailer of our choice and I decided to do the book 'One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest'.